Sunday, 4 December 2016

NGAO FORUM SPEAKS: We Want Mungatana As A Senator

We have just received a messege that Ngao Forum whatsapp group has been shut down. I hear it has been exposed by a mole working for Major. Guessing from the conversation history we managed to receive from an anonymous hacker, it seems Ngao Forum
knew there was a mole in their group but they carelessly did not care. Now for their carelessness, the G4G strategists have all their crucial information. They now know how they think, feel, love, and hate.

Talking about hate its clear the whatsapp group has been brainwashing their fellow members to hate Major for no reason, but judging from the following Shika Adabu endorsement, it seems some people still believe Mungatana is ONLY suitable for the senatorial seat.

The following is a conversation that took place on 26/11/016, during the endorsement of Major at Shika Adabu.

NB: The conversation below is just a few of a series of exposé that we are going to deliver. #WikileaksStyle.

Check it out.

11/26/16, 11:08 - ‪+254 714 488935‬: 411 in Brief:

Today's Shika Adabu meeting might be Majors' retaliatory response to the DBM Majengo one. The only difference is that, a 'Political sponsor' will also be wanting to be endorsed to run for the Senator alongside Godhana.

To be continued...
11/26/16, 11:24 - ‪+254 701 192166‬: Major Godhana na Chairman jwa mabafedi na mabafedi Wenda gere. Wabigwa dabva ya 10000/- kwa kuditsowea hi do gasa
11/26/16, 11:26 - ‪+254 729 706107‬: Chairman jwa mabafedi ni gaa
11/26/16, 11:29 - ‪+254 701 192166‬: Wamba Mungatana  katsola wazee
11/26/16, 11:30 - ‪+254 701 192166‬: Basket of hope. Then wazee wonse wa Tana Delta wabigwa dabva wambijwa wende geere wakamgaliche Mngatana
11/26/16, 11:32 - ‪+254 723 450810‬: Remember I mentioned this after KJs raised serious concern. 
We may suffer 'serious injuries'.
11/26/16, 11:43 - ‪+254 701 192166‬: Am yet to Establish but nitainform
11/26/16, 11:44 - ‪+254 714 488935‬: Chairman i think is omar dhadho morowa... chairman of the 8 GCN bafedis
11/26/16, 11:44 - ‪+254 726 151766‬: Ndiye  Akiba
11/26/16, 11:45 - ‪+254 701 192166‬: Kuhusu "Adha" kwamba ntawawezi kudawia adha koro mngatana nkakudza wala babajwe nkakudza
11/26/16, 11:45 - ‪+254 701 192166‬: Waipfa hizi elfu kumi ela kwamba wadziipfiiya wao(Major) hawade wengine( Mngatana ) anadziipfiya
11/26/16, 11:50 - ‪+254 729 706107‬: Awa wazee wa tana delta wadzieyo ni ade gaa.capture them
11/26/16, 11:52 - +254 771 243873: Plz note the tana delta gasa  elders unyambie
11/26/16, 11:52 - ‪+254 729 706107‬: We shall follow up
11/26/16, 11:52 - +254 771 243873: Sawa fyg, actually it's an issue that needs way forward.
11/26/16, 11:53 - +254 771 243873: Wonderful supa go on updating us, awazee wa tana delta wewopfo ni Ade gaa plz, hatakama nihawade umanyiyeo.
11/26/16, 11:54 - ‪+254 729 706107‬: U r our ground solder pliz take note of details
11/26/16, 11:57 - ‪+254 701 192166‬: Major has been officially endorsed by Mzee Kiragu
11/26/16, 12:01 - ‪+254 723 450810‬: It's best to know if ha wazee wa Delta ni ade ga? Na kono wakubali hiho endorsement.
11/26/16, 12:02 - ‪+254 701 192166‬: Haku wazee wa Tana delta becoz in those videos av uploaded, kuhadwa wazee wa gasa wa Galole na wailwana
11/26/16, 12:05 - +254 771 243873: Kama kasiijwani ni bundles anene.
11/26/16, 12:05 - ‪+254 713 288925‬: Its good to have opposition cause we get to know who is a true friend
11/26/16, 12:05 - +254 771 243873: Thanks 4 that.
11/26/16, 12:06 - ‪+254 712 499770‬: Hiyo land imuguzwa!
11/26/16, 12:22 - +254 771 243873: Wazee wa  galale, Wenda wonse, nusu ambu kachuchu plz sitsokesweni ni hamaswali.
11/26/16, 13:00 - ‪+254 729 706107‬: Mr supaman where are u??
11/26/16, 13:07 - +254 771 243873: Gafi hiisimu isiya moho
11/26/16, 13:07 - ‪+254 701 192166‬: Sinx mngatana nkakudza wala nkakuyeha representative, Major nka jwa kumuoppose so kapfegwa hii bendera
11/26/16, 13:08 - +254 771 243873: Hapo chacha.
11/26/16, 13:08 - ‪+254 701 192166‬: Hussein soba has stated that on behalf of the Wailwana elites and on behalf of himself they are fully supporting Major Godhana.
11/26/16, 13:09 - ‪+254 729 706107‬: I c
11/26/16, 13:09 - +254 771 243873: Were all the bafedis invited
11/26/16, 13:10 - ‪+254 729 706107‬: How is the representation.
11/26/16, 13:10 - ‪+254 701 192166‬: Hayu Babisani amesema Mzee Alex ndiye ana koroga watu for he goes chini chini akimtetea Mngatana. Hata his endorsement at Majengo hawakuwa wanajua.
11/26/16, 13:10 - ‪+254 729 706107‬: Fotos
11/26/16, 13:11 - +254 771 243873: Chemsha bongo
11/26/16, 13:13 - ‪+254 701 192166‬: I Neva took photos. I recorded videos which I will upload soon for you to see for yourselves
11/26/16, 13:15 - ‪+254 729 706107‬: Are they thinking umumodza jwao
11/26/16, 13:16 - ‪+254 729 706107‬: @mr maewa
11/26/16, 13:18 - ‪+254 722 657471‬: He is one
11/26/16, 13:18 - ‪+254 713 288925‬: Kii
11/26/16, 13:20 - ‪+254 701 192166‬: Nope. In fact nivwaa dza wailwanaðŸ˜
11/26/16, 13:22 - ‪+254 714 488935‬: Assamoah... munyoyaya walikuwa?
11/26/16, 13:24 - ‪+254 729 706107‬: Selfie
11/26/16, 13:28 - ‪+254 722 657471‬: Selfie not now
11/26/16, 13:28 - ‪+254 701 192166‬: <Media omitted>
11/26/16, 13:29 - ‪+254 722 657471‬: You know this forum is susceptible to moles...saambi unadziona kuzungukwa huko
11/26/16, 13:30 - ‪+254 729 706107‬: No other seat
Like women rep
11/26/16, 13:30 - ‪+254 729 706107‬: By the way
11/26/16, 13:30 - ‪+254 722 657471‬: ....maana hipichayo major anawa nayo saambi hatá uvywaiyevyo
11/26/16, 13:30 - ‪+254 729 706107‬: Dont post ua selfie
11/26/16, 13:31 - ‪+254 724 562264‬: Mzee Awadhi Doyo yupfo huko huko?
11/26/16, 13:35 - ‪+254 713 288925‬: Waa tipu
11/26/16, 13:37 - ‪+254 701 192166‬: Hata akiwa nayo theaz nothing atanifanya
11/26/16, 13:37 - ‪+254 701 192166‬: Some of those people siwajui. But on the videos mtawaona na kuwatambua I believe
11/26/16, 13:37 - ‪+254 701 192166‬: Komz, wacha nikuambie. Leave alone kwa hii group, I can post them anywhere na sitapelekwa popote, take it from me na mwenye atani harass will leave to curse his/ her mother
11/26/16, 13:37 - ‪+254 701 192166‬: Live
11/26/16, 13:38 - ‪+254 722 657471‬: Mpompoe
11/26/16, 13:39 - ‪+254 701 192166‬: Moles are everywhere, that's why nawaambia wajue.
11/26/16, 13:39 - ‪+254 722 657471‬: Hu uchikodzo was Ngao umanjia kabla 'debriefing'
11/26/16, 13:39 - ‪+254 714 667527‬: Hahaha.....
11/26/16, 13:39 - ‪+254 729 706107‬: Hahahahaaa
11/26/16, 13:40 - ‪+254 729 706107‬: Twende kazi mr maewa
Our able reporter
Ground solder
11/26/16, 13:44 - ‪+254 701 192166‬: Wailwana kwamba Major njwao so after this meeting wapange wagawane seats. Na major atakuwa na Uhuru wa kumeet all gasas
11/26/16, 13:45 - ‪+254 729 706107‬: Ok
11/26/16, 13:46 - ‪+254 729 706107‬: Cant wait to see nvindeo na ndirama
11/26/16, 13:52 - ‪+254 729 706107‬: Pix ya meja akipewa bendera???
11/26/16, 17:50 - ‪+254 701 192166‬: They have called press from ntv, citizen and KTN...they've just arrived
11/26/16, 17:51 - ‪+254 701 192166‬: But they had said they won't bifa maji him today. Unless wabadilike after kuna press
11/26/16, 17:52 - ‪+254 701 192166‬: And my battery is dying... And they have changed and wanambifa madzi
11/26/16, 17:52 - ‪+254 706 771624‬: Send pictures
11/26/16, 17:52 - ‪+254 701 192166‬: My battery had died.
11/26/16, 18:04 - ‪+254 701 192166‬: Explaining why the Majengo Declaration is null and void
11/26/16, 18:28 - ‪+254 722 705723‬: Is it possible for Jubilee and ODM to have common nominations of course note DBM is jubilee and DG is odm so if they are honest let them talk about there party nominee and leave DBM alone
11/26/16, 18:35 - ‪+254 701 192166‬: HD is in Wiper and DG in Odm of which they are all in the  same  coalition. And of course they won't field them both. Watachaguliwa ili kuweka MTU mmoja. Will HD step down for DG and vice versa?
11/26/16, 18:37 - ‪+254 701 192166‬: Am trying to upload the videos but my netwak is abit slow. But mtazipata
11/26/16, 18:39 - ‪+254 710 381982‬: Cord cannot unseat Cord. They must agree, unless DG as always has bn said is deficient of some issues.
11/26/16, 18:41 - ‪+254 714 488935‬: Last time kulisimama Adam na odm na hussein on wyper ticket.... let's not speculate... No one will step down for another
11/26/16, 18:41 - ‪+254 714 488935‬: They can field both
11/26/16, 18:41 - ‪+254 714 488935‬: Give us more updates... bado hawajamaliza kwani?
11/26/16, 19:10 - ‪+254 714 488935‬: Deputy Governor position officially for the wailwana... The ndera wakipewa Senator na mheshimiwa melisa akipewa women rep wanawa wesa... i told you this on 15th October you never believed me... NIT is not in the agenda of GCN... knut politics at play... it's a worrying trend
11/26/16, 19:11 - ‪+254 701 192166‬: Let me shade some light for you brethren.... The same method used to oust Mr. Abe is being used again. For the teachers who had gone for the elections on the 19th Feb, you saw those guys wore t-shirts with "Niuma17" msg. Those t-shirts had been printed earlier, prior to the election. Then mkaona kina Hussein Soba wakimruka Mr. Abe. Its the same formula being put in place
11/26/16, 19:15 - ‪+254 714 488935‬: We have to organize ourselves before we are wiped out of politics
11/26/16, 19:28 - ‪+254 729 706107‬: I C
11/26/16, 20:10 - ‪+254 720 251439‬: Soo wantuwadzuu wagijana na wailwana officially,na wakala,wardei na wasomali pia wagijana, would appear hwakuwani isolated.
11/26/16, 20:11 - ‪+254 713 288925‬: Nahutsesumbujwa MG nkakusoma.I E B C itamtema
11/26/16, 20:13 - ‪+254 721 282866‬: Hez has said it all. Yamukani wantu wa kwehu. Remember the gasa let us down in 2013. Is this a repeat?
11/26/16, 20:16 - ‪+254 722 705723‬: I think we should stop this language of wantuwadzuu and malachini its now jubilee and cord
11/26/16, 20:16 - ‪+254 712 373932‬: Thanks🖕🖕🖕
11/26/16, 20:18 - ‪+254 722 705723‬: Even major the money he used today alipewa Tamarind mutu akiangalia hivi nyade baba no mwana jaws Mombasa sidzi kwamba hiyo lugha munaielewa
11/26/16, 20:18 - ‪+254 726 701649‬: If there are people at the centre of this gcn movement,then it's the ndera.Think of giving them any post then you are done as it won't have any value addition
11/26/16, 20:19 - ‪+254 722 705723‬: Johos kambijwa amumphe
11/26/16, 20:32 - ‪+254 723 904883‬: Nidugha Engineer ni huyatse lugha ya wantu wa dzuu.lugha ya baba na jh hwakuielewani.Nikuyamka tho naku strategies urembo
11/26/16, 20:43 - ‪+254 705 531759‬: Nikuimuka Engineer
11/26/16, 20:46 - ‪+254 712 499770‬: <Media omitted>
11/26/16, 20:49 - ‪+254 712 499770‬: Mungatana leading Jubilee Campaign In Tana River County Kipini.
11/26/16, 20:51 - ‪+254 722 382949‬: We soldier on. Bado ushindi ni wetu👆
11/26/16, 20:54 - ‪+254 701 192166‬: Pfasaiyepfo  hero ahwae Senatorial seat
11/26/16, 20:54 - ‪+254 701 192166‬: Heri  wakae ahwae senatorial seat hunuye baa.because  hukude hwiko kwendani unless awe na option nkali humwaara
11/26/16, 20:54 - ‪+254 729 706107‬: Yomba tuu anasikiya

Ok, i think its time for Mungatana to swallow his pride and focus on joining the Major camp. It won’t hurt. We know that their shall be only one chosen governor, and i believe him joining the major camp will bring more good than harm...we all still remember back then when he was the chairman of KPA. He openly said that he does not care whether people like him or not because he still has a job, and he will only vie for a seat if people say so. But judging from the ground and what people are talking on social media, they believe what happened on 2013 will happen again.

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