Monday, 5 December 2016

NGAO FORUM SPEAKS: We Compromised Alex Mumwina (Delta Chair) For Our Own Benefit

On 26th November, gasa met at Shika Adabu to endorse Major for the gubernatorial seat. They had no otherwise to do so. The delta elders were very few, most of them did not show up. The Shika Adabu meeting was purposely held to bring
the two bafedi; Mejja and Mungatana on the table in order to choose one governor. But Mungatana together with Alex and his squad intentionally did not show up. This turn out event made the galole, munyoyaya and ilwana to choose Mejja automatically for the gubernatorial seat.

We have an audio of Babisan, the chair of wailwana speaking painfully while narrating how Alex Mumwina had tricked them many times regarding the Mejja and Mungatana unity. Listen to the audio below or download audio from zippyshare.
Well, turning back to the archieve data from the closed Ngao Forum whatsapp group, it is now confirmed that these guys had a hand in compromising the whole process of choosing the governor aspirant. First they said Mungatana MUST be the choice, and also they managed to compromise Alex Mumwina (the audio explains how)

Check the whatsapp conversation below:

9/17/16, 12:41 - ‪+254 710 558080‬: Whether Godana will vie for the governorship or not Mungatana is the only right choice for our mother covnty. Gasa impitishe isimpitishe ni yye kwa debe
9/17/16, 15:49 - ‪+254 715 012052‬: Chairman(Alex Mumwina ana dukuduku)
9/17/16, 15:51 - ‪+254 706 771624‬: Hugo mumwina have issues
9/17/16, 15:52 - ‪+254 706 771624‬: Huyo
9/17/16, 15:52 - ‪+254 722 657471‬: KNUT yao ni seperate and uvundayi...... but they are human..... if we are pragmatic and know how to engage them.....hadi wawe na bfantu bfanahonseka....we just need to be smart and identify
9/17/16, 15:53 - ‪+254 715 012052‬: We need to act very fast and first
9/17/16, 15:54 - ‪+254 722 657471‬: Let's stop lamenting and find how to work with the people in the leadership to make decisions favourable
9/17/16, 15:57 - ‪+254 715 012052‬: Simi nie na dukuduku nae, ela hawazee wenziwe wanatsaka kumuyavya hivi wesakwora barua na wakuingizani signatures, ili wapate kumuyavya.
9/17/16, 16:02 - ‪+254 723 450810‬: Dzana Fri. muda wa 11am a Muslim cleric from danda za gwano or kina nkomba but resides in Msa & heads a madrasa institution, invited me for a hurriedly convened mtng. Their objective I summed up was (1)they concede malanchini is superbly equipped by far in accademia than upper, and that (2)they wish to us use the same knowledge to the masses for a planned convergence here in Msa to collecting all religious Christian & Muslim leadership with the intention of coming up with a single filed fist to be presented to the gasa forum soon. They wanted us very fast use our mobilisation ability to bring the Christian following at a venue & date yet to be named. The Ngao forum network is now giving answers to the apparent unanswered questions.
9/17/16, 16:14 - ‪+254 722 657471‬: Wrong move and timing....if you can influence stop them...
9/17/16, 16:16 - ‪+254 720 251439‬: Agreed.Kumuyavya shouldn't be plan A for Ngao...shouldn't even be plan B.
9/17/16, 16:16 - ‪+254 722 657471‬: We want them to hv one voice right now....not fragmented
9/17/16, 16:18 - ‪+254 720 251439‬: At this stage,lets find out what's the fear & worry of the other's with a DBM candidature,and what strengths the other candidates have portrayed.
9/17/16, 16:19 - ‪+254 722 657471‬: In confidence I hv just consulted DBM who is a member here and that is also his thoughts right now
9/17/16, 16:22 - ‪+254 720 251439‬: JB gulaa kunyamaa,ela nikuuze ngerengere,mataroyo Alex Mumwina hakunjiya yakumuvuta yuphande jwehu??Kabisa kabisa?
9/17/16, 16:26 - ‪+254 722 657471‬: He is not against us
9/17/16, 16:27 - ‪+254 715 012052‬: Kii sidzi ela Alex Kakutsakani kuyavigwa dubi ya Garsen north ward. Wakwambani kakufavani mkaziwe
9/17/16, 16:29 - ‪+254 722 657471‬: My last discussion with him on Garsen North ward...... was that his wife will step down to avoid conflict but should be considered for nominated MCA

Thats how it was. Anyway, let bygone be bygone. The gasa has chosen Mejja for the governorship, and senator for the Delta. #Hwisa

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