Saturday, 10 December 2016

Mungatana Is Running Into A Political Suicide Mission

Elections are around the corner. Every politician is currently strategizing their ways to clinching a political post in 2017. Some are assured of returning back to their seats, others are still on the negotiation tables and most do not know their fate on 9th August 2017.

This time round in Tana River County politics have taken shape eariler than usual. Aspirants for certain posts have been known months before the election, something which has not been practised in other previous elections. We have used to be introduced to news aspirants months or weeks to election dates. But this time round people have strategized earlier.

In our backyard though, we still have have a major problem into selecting an individual who will be the one to carry the flag of the governorship. We currently have undisputed candidates who believe they are best suited for the post. For us we have Major Godhana, and Danson Mungatana. These two have never been into good terms since the 2012 tribal clashes. Each one of them has been been endorsed by the elders to vie for the gubernatorial seat, but only one of them will be able to lead us to the promised land.

Mungatana is well known nationally because he was a MP for a period of 10 years. He has served as assistant minister for a long time. He is very verbal in parliamental proceedings, he is a close allie to the president, he has catched the attention of Kenyans several times. He, to many is a leader. But why is he commiting a political suicide mission?

Thats a good question  everyone should ask themselves. We have seen back in 2013 when he lost miserably to Hussein Dado, and it seems he has yet to learn from the same mistake. First we should understand that in 2013, from the pokomo side there were 3 aspirants and from the cushites there were 2 aspirants. Mungatana became top position from the pokomo side, but that does not mean on 2017 election he would change anything.

It is now clear that Mungatana has no tangible strategy to win the 2017 elections as a governor, the strategy he is using is the same as that of 2013. What he is doing is to come up with a coalition with the cushites, then do nothing to secure the majority of the united pokomo votes. What he is expecting is to gunner votes from the few willing pokomos and the majority from the cushites. This wont make him the governor anytime soon. We have laid hands on classified information about Mungatana campaign strategy and it is so pity. The guys is being misled by his strategy team. In 2013 Mungatana used the same criteria, he ganged up with the cushites, and at the last minutes all cushites went against him and this led to pokomo losing all the seats in Tana River County. The senatorship post, the women rep, and all the MP seats were lost to the cushites. This was partially contributed to Mungatana stand of promising pokomo to join hands with the cushites for him to get the governorship. The same trend is happening again. By now we all know the Jubilee campaign team. It is comprised of mostly cushites. All TRC Mps and most MCAs are on the same list. Now what we are soon expecting is to see Mungatana together with Hon. Sane campaigning in Garsen South ward with both helping each other to win the governor and Mp seat respectively.

Mungatana is doing nothing at all to seduce the pokomo united to support his bid to secure his ambition. The Shika Adabu meeting was the clear sign that Mungatana has nothing to do with the united pokomo. Those who were at the event saw it and heard it. Mungatana together with his ‘strategist’ Alex (elder) failed several times to respond to the call of the gasa. They never wanted to hear what they are being called for, they were never interested, they never cared. An audio of the same has been circulating all over the social media where Babisan, a gasa elder was explaining how many time they called to talk to Mungatana and his allies but it was futile.

To my honest opinion i think Mungatana has lost it. He doesn’t have the pokomo tribesmen at heart. With this incidence, it has reminded me of the Salama people. He was a firm TARDA advocate, wanting to make the Salama people, his own pokomo people squatters on their land. He did not care wherether it will affect him on future or not. Also the same reminds me about the 2012 Chara clashes, he remained quite, while his brother from Galole, Major Godhana, spoke from his heart, pointing the root cause of the clashes. He was areigned in court but the ‘TARDA advocate’ never showed up to help him.

What is wrong with Mungatana? Is he really with Us?

When he lost his 2013 campaigns, he moved from village to village telling the people that he doesnot care if people like him or not. He kept on saying that because he lost his bid to vie for governorship, that wont make him go back to the village because he is a lawyer by proffession, and has his own law firm.

What of his campaigners and strategist doing now?

I have seen several times his campaign team trying to convince Godhana and his supporters to cancel the governorship bid so that Mungatana can clinch the seat. One of his campaign team member famously known as Hej J has been firm with this stand. This is what he has been circulating on the internet:

“Mm nawakilisha mawazo yangu, nayawale wote wengi kutoka mijini waliojionea kinyanganyiro cha 2013.Palikua wapokomo watatu vigogo(2013).Mungatana alipata 14076(aliongoza kwa wawaniaji wa kipokomo)//Adam akawa na 8352(ifahamike aliungwa mkono na wapigakura wa rtd mjr Gadhae)//Badiribu akapata 6990.Mbona tumudhalimu yule alieekaribia kumungoa Tunea????Yafaa tuwahimize Adam na sasa mjr Godhana(ambae yawataka kuwania kwa mara ya kwanza),ile wamuunge mkono mwenzao Mungatana,halafu akishindwa kuleta maendeleo,in 2022 basi Adam au Godhana tuwape usukani.”

Ok, let me make this clearly open b’coz these sentiments are coming from Hej J, who is a brother of of DBM chief strategist KJ.

First. Badiribu got 6,990 votes. He is dead and cant vie. Whom do you expect the votes to go to? DBM or Godhana? Ofcourse its Major because as we are speaking, the Shika Adabu finalised the pokomo  unity.

Second. If you add Adam and Badiribu votes you get 8,352+6,990=15,342. Compare that to Mungatana’s 14,076 votes.

Third. On parlimentary votes in Galole Godhana had 5,527.  If we assume a pattern of an estimate of Galole, Bura, and Garsen, we can get an estimate of 5,500X3=16,500. Compare that with DBM 14,076 votes.

Fourth. Note that Mungatana got votes from both North and South that made him gunner 14,076. If today there was a voting excercise then it means Mungatana 14,076 will be eaten by the northerners and some southerners, making him lose a tremendous number of votes.

Fifth. Mungatana convinced the pokomo to join hands with the cushites in the 2013 election and the results were heart breaking. Now, Mungatana is falling onto the same trap. The pokomo united have vowed not to repeat the 2013 mistake. If its so, then the votes of Mungatana will be reduced to peanut.

Ok. Back to my point. Mungatana is honestly commiting a political suicide mission. The gasa have given him a clear shot for the senator post, since he intentionally refused to come to Shika Adabu to settle the whole issue.  Well. maybe by now this post would not have existed.

Now its up to him to take the shot or some one else from the south will take it. And if it is done so, Mungatana legacy will be forgotten.

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