Thursday, 29 December 2016

Tana Delta In Turmoil Again, Sikuye Sikuye

On 28th December was a very busy day in Tana Delta region. It was a nomination day to choose an aspirant for the garsen constituency. We had two aspirants for the nomination, that is Maurice Dullu and Ben Matheka. The nominations went well as expected. Voter turnout was around 50%-60%. The voting exercise was peaceful and encouraging. By the end of the day, Maurice Dullu emerged the winner.

Thursday, 22 December 2016

Rtd Major Godhana Performance Record As An MP

Leadership is all about performance. A leader is chosen by the people in order to achieve what they desire. A good leader is the one who interpret what his people want and implement. A good leader is seen by his characters. These characters include being open to freely interact with people, fight

Saturday, 10 December 2016

Mungatana Is Running Into A Political Suicide Mission

Elections are around the corner. Every politician is currently strategizing their ways to clinching a political post in 2017. Some are assured of returning back to their seats, others are still on the negotiation tables and most do not know their fate on 9th August 2017.

Monday, 5 December 2016

NGAO FORUM SPEAKS: We Compromised Alex Mumwina (Delta Chair) For Our Own Benefit

On 26th November, gasa met at Shika Adabu to endorse Major for the gubernatorial seat. They had no otherwise to do so. The delta elders were very few, most of them did not show up. The Shika Adabu meeting was purposely held to bring

Sunday, 4 December 2016

NGAO FORUM SPEAKS: We Want Mungatana As A Senator

We have just received a messege that Ngao Forum whatsapp group has been shut down. I hear it has been exposed by a mole working for Major. Guessing from the conversation history we managed to receive from an anonymous hacker, it seems Ngao Forum

Saturday, 3 December 2016

Why Raha Will Win Garsen South Ward Seat Before Midday

Earlier i wrote a post explaining why Garsen South Ward is a laughing stock, and it raised eyebrows to many concerned individuals. Some said i was building while others said i was destroying. But there was a comment that made me re-think twice. A concerned individual commented that if i have no tangible solution to this mess then there is no need to raising it. Well. I think i have the solution. And the solution is Rhoda Katisha Raha shall win the election with a landslide votes.