Monday, 21 November 2016

Why We Should Also Focus On Major Godhana Camp

We all know the 25 gasa have endorsed Mungatana for the gubernatorial seat, but it seems there is a group of people still not satisfied with the gasa decisions.

Rumours going around suggest that the elders who endorsed Mungatana were not even the gasa elders, they were the Sesa (the previous gasa).

''We all know what the Sesa did in the 2013 election, and now they are here again to disrupt the pokomo votes'' This is what most of these people against Mungatana are ranting.

Well, i dared to confront a few of them to understand why they keep on ranting G4G all through...and to their defence they kept on asking the people who actually endorsed Mungatana.

They claim there was no gasa present at the Majengo event. And the main point was that none of the gasa were present on that event. Among the key gasa elders who were not in the event include:

→Laza gasa chairman -Adnan
→Chairman galole - Kirago
→Mikinduni chair - Akare
→Chairman milakote - Babisan
→Hola mishen chairman - Toash
→Tanadelta chair - Alex
→and others who ditched the event after they felt they were misled.

The Majengo event was headed by Bakari Morowa, whom he endorsed Mungatana for the governership. Morowa is not a member of gasa, but a sesa elder. So the question that everyone should ask him/herself is 'who are the 25 gasa?, who are the kipini to mbalambala gasa?'

So thats it. This is the cause of the disunity between the #DBM and #G4G camp.

Comment, reaction, correction, opinion,suggestions are allowed on the comment section. Cheers.


  1. Umetumwa uje utukoroge gasa walimtawazisha majengo basi hilo ndo tunalo hayo mengine ni yenu
