Thursday, 24 November 2016

NIT Mafia Are Subconciously De-campaigning Mungatana

On 5th November it was a day that the unity of pokomo was brought together by the '25 gasa', the main aim of the meeting was to unite the pokomo to be one. But today its not what it seems. The pokomos have divided themselves into two groups, one supporting Mungatana and other supporting Major.

I have been keenly observing the wrangle between both parties and on my opinion its doing more harm than good. Battling off with words, insult, mockery on social media wont help anyone. I know people usually disagree on facts but when it turns into intimidation of looking down apon someone then thats not disagreeing but fighting.

On analysing comments and status on social media groups, it has now clearly opened up that Dhado is mostly favoured by upper tana region while Mungatana is backed by the lower tanarian people. I honestly dont know the main reason for this division but basing on few individuals i've been keenly following up, it seems the northerners are not impressed by how Mungatana was chosen. To the southerners i dont exactly know why they keep on lashing and entertaining the northerners. 

The most interesting thing about this wrangle is that the upper tanarians poke the southerners, and the southerners open their claws and expose their true image of themselves. I remember few months ago someone told me there is a group of individuals known as NIT (Ngao Itsowe Tarasaa) Mafia. This group was specially formed to make sure that one person (major Godhana) does not achieve his political ambition. This group was created to propel every kind of propaganda to the pokomos in order to brainwash their mind. First i did not believe on such group but later after numerous deceitful propaganda, i finally accept this NIT mafia is real, and they are everywhere, starting from facebook, whatsapp, to telegram. The main agenda of these guys is to infiltrate your mind subty.

The propaganda are many, from the Basket of Hope whatsapp screenshot to the recent major Godhana begging atleast a speaker post after selling his house to Dado, these guys are not joking.

But are these propaganda helping or destroying?

On Facebook i've been pin pointing some of these propaganda propelling individuals. They are now exposing themselves carelessly. They have now stopped propagating lies to now defending themselves. They now dont care wherether they might hurt the '25 gasa' decision or not, they are fully ranting.

This is being made possible by the major camp, they poke them (NIT) to say whats really on their minds. And their rants are devastating and discouraging. Calling others semi illiterates, bragging themselves as special, demeaning others, and disvaluing others because they got knowledge from them is so disappointing, low, and selfish. These are some of the screenshot i got from an anonymous source.

'Bright people do proper propaganda...Ati ni makaro'

'Resources za ngao made what you are today...we need you to respect us'

'Sifuatani na watu waliopewa laana (dhadho supporters)'
'You behaving like adolescent, you like should know where we came from'
'Us wabuus have decided to support DBM'

Others who have noticed a disaster concerning this whole issue have isolated themselves and instead preaching the truth gospel:

'You not a good leader but you have my vote to unite pokomo'
'Lets unite and be one'

These are just some of the many screenshot i got and honestly this is so frustrating.

Just from reading these screenshot you'll clearly see the NIT are fully in support of Mungatana, but deep inside these screenshot you'll also see a decampaigning sign.

I keep on asking myself if Mungatana was chosen by the 25 gasa, why do these guys go on social media battle? To me i feel they are playing the kicks of a dying horse. They know Mungatana will probably not win the governorship post, they know there was no 25 gasa, and they know they have less than 3,500 votes, and they want to sink with the whole tana ship. [Read: Why NIT MCA post will go to an Orma again]

As a tanarian, i would arge guys spreading hatred to stop. Pokomos are one, wherether upper tanarian or lower tanarian, we drink from the same river so i dont see why there is disunity. I'm off for now.

Dont forget to share if you care...spread the gospel.

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