Monday, 7 November 2016

What Led To Mungatana To Be Endorsed By The Gasa, Full Story

The gasa has choosen Mungatana as an aspirant for the governor seat in Tanariver county, but what led to this event?

I tried to get an insight by asking some individuals who have been keenly following up these events but later i discovered that almost everyone was contradicting his/her story with another. No one was sure whether the meeting was held by gasa or not, some even confusing the meeting of Majengo to that of GNC held on 30th.

So i decided to visit a gasa elder by myself in order to give me the true picture of what led to Majengo ceremony.

So to cut the story short, this was where he started;

Since the gasa lost credibility in 2013 elections, they now have became an open platform that incooperates all people including men, women, youth, priests, imams, learned people etc. A meeting was held in Hola to determine what kind of criteria they will use to choose an aspirant. The meeting was composed of nine groups. Each group was given a chance to express themselves on what manner the aspirant should be chosen. There was 2 choices; either through mashinani votes or direct endorsement. After a thorough expression and later voting, 8 groups chose kura kwa mashinani and one group from Galole chose direct endorsement. The majority won and it was fully agreed that votes will be cast on villages.

Then later on 15th October, there was this meeting held in Basket of Hope in Minijila. The aspirants, also known as mabaphedi met in order to give insight on how they will conduct the kura kwa mashinani, as per agreed by the previous gasa meeting. The meeting, to what everybody knew and said, did not go as planned. Some of the people who wanted to go to the meeting were not allowed. The gasa elder even confirmed that Mungatana was not invited to the meeting (some were evicted from the meeting).

So what happened in Basket of Hope?
→All the aspirant decided to go agaimst the gasa will for a mashinani vote instead to go for a direct endorsement.

What led to that?
→The aspirants thought the excercise was expensive to conduct.
→The aspirant knew it wont favour some of them.
→Some aspirants had no money to fund
→Mungatana posed a major threat to them.

So they chose;
→To isolate Mungatana from them.
→Decided to go against the gasa.
→Choose to elect themselves.

So did the meeting end as planned?
No. After they decided to pick the best amongst themselves, nobody wanted to loose so the meeting ended with no aspirant. The mabaphedi ought to be on the meeting were:
1. Omar Morowa (Garsen)
2. Bakari Garise (Garsen)
3. Suleiman Buko (Garsen)
4. Adam Barissa (Garsen)
5. Athman Ndoyoya (Galole)
6. Jillo Kaech (Galole)
7. Karayu Dheye (Galole)
8. Dhadho Godhana (Galole)

After that unfruitful event, the mabaphedi decided to go further to seek enlightment from gasa. But these gasa was not the gasa representing the Tanariver, instead they chose a gasa called GNC comprising Galole, Ndera, and Chara.

The meeting was held in Laini, Milalulu on 30th October held by chairman of Galole gasa, Said Kirago.

So what transpired?
The 7 mabaphedi present wanted to be voted, so the 'gasa' decided to choose a voting criteria to pick one of them. The 7 were reduced to 6. Suleiman Buko was automatically chosen to vie for senator by the rest so as to give chance for the 6 to be nominated. The outcome of the votes were as followed;

3 aspirants got 2 votes each
1 aspirant got 1 vote
2 aspirant got 0 votes

According to the gasa elder, major got 1 vote. Nobody was satisfied so they decided to choose a one aspirant from the six using random paper picking, as in you write each aspirant on a piece of paper, reshuffle, then pick one.

The chairman, Said Kirago felt his admirant aspirant will loose so his endorsed major as the governorship aspirant, something that the rest did not accept.

The meeting was ended as Dhadho Godhana chosen as the winner.

Later, after the meeting, the real gasa which was composed of 25 sects decided to meet at Kinakomba- Majengo on 4th.

The real gasa was composed of sects all the way from kipini to mbalambala. It was a large event where youth, men, women, leaders, wazee, and all those who were concerned with the health of Tanariver, unlike the precious meeting which was held by only 3 location leaders.

So who came?
→Malindi ya ngwena
→Hola mishen
→and others

Those who never came?
All from the GNC, except chamwanamuma and wazubaki showed up, mybe more came after that betrayal.

The event was held on 5th after heavy rain which disadvantaged many on 4th. It was held to choose an aspirant, and it was Mungatana.

Why Mungatana?
Because the rest of the mabaphedi feared him. 

And what makes one to be feared by the rest?
He was a portrait of leadership. 

The gasa chose to isolate the rest of the aspirant because of one thing. They choose to be compromised by few 'hungry for power' individuals, ready to manipulate the mind of Tanariver people at all cost. Awadh Dhoyo was among the people who supported the move.

The meeting was cheerful, the zubaki gasa fully endorsed Mungatana and declared him 'their leader.' They were responsible for his dressing; kilemba, fimbo, pia, and the kanzu.

Mungatana was therefore 'tawadhwa' as the next governor of Tanariver.

Open discussion below, speak your mind, all comment, suggestion, correction or even disagreeing on this post is allowed. Cheers Chanamaro, hatuna otherwise, imenibidi pia nikubali tu hivyo.


  1. afternoon, when you speak of the gasa choosing a candidate in majengo, Who in particular formed the composition of that Gasa. It is on record that the Gasa Chairman neither the Gasa office bearers were present. The personalities who carried out the ceremony are in no way associated with the Gasa. I would prefer if a confirmation that the meeting was sanctioned by the Gasa preferably by the Gasa. There seems to be a number of dissenting voices as well as in agreement. kindly verify with the said Gasa and get back to the people.

    1. The gasa is composed of two chairs, one on Galole, known as Said Kirago and Gasa chair of Tana Delta, known as Alex Mumwina. So, Said Kirago chaired the GNC meeting without the gasa consent. Also the Tana Delta chair allegedly tricked the gasa members of tana delta that there is no meeting at all (the latest majengo meeting to endorse Mungatana). As we are speaking now, the gasas are done with these guys and soon their posts will be revocked.

    2. Afterall, these chairs have been appointed by the gasa member, and if you go against the gasa traditions, then you are automatically not fit

  2. hehehe my friend dont manipulate us Mungatana will never be accepted by the majority of pokomos,keep that in mind,he has dished out money and food so who will not be present at such a venue?so just know that the event he organised was just a political show with no fruits to reap
