Saturday, 11 March 2017

The Death Ceremony of Sikuye And Whisa Slogans

Hwisa! Sikuye! Dzimizeni!

If you were following the political waves in Tana River then you are probably aware of the above terms. These were terms and phrases that were used day in, day out by the DBM camp. They assured everyone that they were on the right track and above all they believed to be winning. But was this true? NO!

Days ago i was intrigued by a member of the NIT Mafia distancing himself from DBM camp, then few days ago i was surprised when another die hard member of NIT Mafia disowning the ‘Hwisa’ slogan, in short, the fraternity is thinning out. Each and every time of the day the DBM camp is losing supporters.

By now we all know why they are losing support, main reason is because they don’t have the numbers. They have come to realize that it was actually true what was said late last year. (citation from our previous posts). The DBM camp is dying, and it is too late for them to recover.

Ok. Someone may ask why can’t the DBM team join with G4G camp and everyone goes home happy? The answer will be reffered back to the ‘Hwisa’ and ‘Sikuye’ slogans...

Late last year there was a slight misunderstanding during the famous Basket of Hope (BoH) meeting that led to the Bafedi (aspirants) to disagree and left everything hanging. Then days later, out of nowhere, Mungatana was endorsed at the infamous Majengo town. The DBM team was swift, fast, and quick to outshine all the other aspirants. With that endorsement they closed the chapter of the gubernatorial race. They swore not to speak nor negotiate with any other camp that will emerge out to reason with them. On the other side of the camp, the G4G camp realized they did a huge mess, so they wanted to push for a reconciliation meeting so that both two camps can share equally the pokomo votes. BUT ALL THIS WAS IN VAIN.

The Hwisa slogan was created. Every time a member of G4G camp tried to raise a concern issue that it is impossible for the pokomos to win alone without joining hands, all they could say was Hwisa. To me the Hwisa slogan was not created by the youths on social media but probably from orders above them.

Now pushing on fast foward button to today’s current events...

Are you aware that the Hwisa people NOW want to negotiate with the G4G camp? After all those humiliations, after all those intimidation of Hwisa, Dzimizeni and Sikuye they want the G4G camp to sit and negotiate! They never saw the repercussion that they were inviting. They spread all the rumours starting from Godhana selling his house to Dado, Godhana the illiterate from Handampia, Godhana the project, Godhana the divider, Godhana the w.monger...every day, day in day out they were busy destroying one of their own (citation from any of your friend whatsapp/fb images). And the last blow they did was to join with the cushite to destroy the Pokomo.

Is this what we wanted as POKOMO UNITED? Fighting your own tribesman then joining hands with another tribe? Does this make sense? You want to leave your house untidy then go and clean someone else your house? Probably NOT!

With this mess, they have realised they had messed up everything. We mentioned earlier these were the kicks of a dying horse, and surely it was true.

On the other hand the G4G had laid a strategy to win the sympathy of the pokomo united and they have succeeded. The camp has already shared the elective posts equally starting from Tana North to Tana Delta. The camp has already settled the Govenor, Deputy governor, senator, Women rep, Mp, and MCAs. All these have been done through consultation with the elders, proffessionals, youth, women, and the aspirants at large. In short the G4G has finalised everything. If the election was to be done next month they are good.

Back to DBM camp. The camp was mainly focusing on divide and rule tactics which were used back in 1900 by the colonial masters. They used the I.O.U tactics to deprive people to be free thinkers, and worse, they used the family lineage campaign teams. The results were horrible. They had realized just few weeks ago that they are in a total mess and they forced most of their campaigners to lower down their tools until further notice. To me, like i said months ago, the team was on a suicidal mission. Nobody listened.  Their latest tactics to join Nuh’s camp was near impossible. If they joined Nuhu then they had to forfeit the Garsen Mp seat and some MCA posts, not forgeting that in 2013 the pokomo was almost betrayed by such coalitions. Anyway, i dont blame the team. They had no choice. Command only 15% of total pokomo votes can results to such desperate moves.

Back to G4G camp. Will they be ready to negotiate with the NIT Mafia? Mmmmh, i dont think so. It is very hard bearing in mind that the camp has already finalized the aspirant team and soon they will hit the floor. It is too late. If DBM wants a share then they can settle for the Speaker post (G4G gave him this post long time ago, they probably knew this day will come{brother's keeper}). He can’t be the deputy unless he consults the guys from Bura. He can’t be a senator unless he speaks with the Salama elders. He can’t be an Mp unless he consults the guys from Kipini, and he can’t be an MCA unless he consults Raha. I MEAN IT IS DONE!!

Hi! To the creator of Hwisa, the fighers of Sikuye, the trasmitter of Dzimize. What has happened??

...and lastly i think i'm a good analyst. What do you think? Hire me! :) :) Anyway, share the post if you care. #PokomoUnited #MakeTanaRiverGreatAgain

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